
Poetic X: Artist Statement

No life shall go without Poetry. So many questions to ask in a world with limited answers. Poetry has the ability to connect persons with spiritual forces needed to perceive intuitively. So much catches our attention outside the body, causing us to overlook the self automated responses to our own questions. We all have a poem/picture/sound being developed or completed in our lives at this very moment, whether it’s a relationship, friendship, leadership, scholarship etc. Often minds are not concentrated enough during obstacles to patiently engage or understand vital signs important for self awareness and spiritual growth. I use Poetry as a mechanism to help persons identify and reach their deepest inner potential. The focal point of my work is to provide “enlightenment”. Many subjects surface when I’m writing or performing Poetry such as Science, History, Religion, Nature, Medicine, Archeology and others. I meditate on relevant scenes, time periods, and key words to give Poetry the X factor needed to transfer light. Poetry is our universal connection to Science. It is the equation of our Mathematics. It is the color of our evolution. It is who we ARE and who we must be if we are to ever experience free. Poetry is the substance that creates life. I am returning the favor. I am POETIC X.